I've been on and off about photography since middle school, it started out with my dad's old film camera.
I went on to a photography school, but realized if I had to spend all my time focusing on one passion I'd rather it be my guitar.

So I quit.

Sometimes I'd picked up a camera again, and it was enough for a while.
As I kinda shut myself from the outside world to focus on my new music project and completely lost track of everything else, I'd go on long, long walks like the loner that I am.
I'd started taking pictures again, and it felt like a breath of fresh air when I couldn't see the end of what I'd set myself to.
Mostly what I love looking at when I'm out walking in the sun is the sky, the leaves, and what would look like a cool painting if I knew how to use a brush.

And that thankfully added some color to my life.
So it all came back, that love for photography, for the colors that felt so far away for way too long, and I asked my dad for his old cameras again.
I scan the films myself, touch it up on lightroom, and I'm trying my best to make it look like what it felt looking through these old lenses.